Digital Opportunities
Our diverse digital opportunities give you the ability to target the LMA audience using the platforms that are best suited to your messaging.
Featured Opportunity
Website Advertising
The LMA website attracts over 100,000 page views per month. Website ads are displayed across all LMA web pages in prominent locations. The website is the public "face" of LMA and is our members' primary resource for critical information, education resources, event registration and more!
DEADLINE FOR MATERIALS: Content must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the desired publish date.
Please submit all artwork and any production questions to Allison Norris at [email protected].
Additional Digital Opportunities
Please submit all artwork and any production questions to Allison Norris at [email protected].
Social Media Advertising
$1,000 Per Post
Two available per month per platform
Reach LMA members through our social media channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and X. These social channels present a simple and effective way to share your thought leadership insights or promote your products and services to a vast audience of legal marketing professionals.
DEADLINE: All materials are due 10 days prior to launch. Social media graphics to adhere to standard platform sizes for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Identify the two platforms you prefer and provide graphics accordingly. Engagement statistics will be provided after 14 days after the original post.
LMA Podcast Series
$3,500 Per Episode Sponsorship
With over 6,800 unique plays and 100+ podcasts, sponsoring one or multiple LMA Podcasts will allow you to heavily promote your company to our members. Sponsorship includes a 30-second MP3 advertisement to be played during the podcast, and your logo and website will be featured on the podcast blog post.
DEADLINE FOR MATERIALS: Ad recordings will be arranged separately for the convenience of both parties, but the recording, along with logo specs and URL, should be finalized 10 days prior to deployment. Website ad materials and URLs are also due 10 days prior to deployment. Ad placement on LMA Podcast Series page.
Sponsored Email
$3,000 per Dedicated Email Blast
$10,200 per package of 4 Email Blasts
$13,500 per package of 6 Email Blasts
$26,010 per package of 12 Email Blasts
Send a personalized message from your company to our membership with a sponsored email. With a 35% average open rate and a 5.4% average click rate, LMA's audience engages with our emails at rates well above the industry average. Sponsors must provide an HTML and subject line per the LMA Guidelines.
DEADLINE FOR MATERIALS: LMA must receive an HTML, subject line, and preview line 10 days prior to the contracted deployment date.
*Package pricing must be used by December 2024
Sponsored Webinar
$5,150 Per Webinar
One available per month
Position yourself alongside industry experts by sharing your best practices with the LMA community. With an average of 53 attendees per webinar, this is an opportunity to promote your services to the decision makers in our audience.
60 minutes in length; Sponsor will work with LMA’s Education Committee on the presented topic.
DEADLINE FOR MATERIALS: To be arranged individually. At least six weeks of production and promotion time are required in advance of launch date.
Content must adhere to sponsored content guidelines.
Want to Find Out More About A Digital Opportunity?
Contact the LMA Sales Team today for more information on LMA's digital offerings and to become a sponsor!